Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 62 continued

Just worked out, it was good.  Not much else to say.  Onto the comparisons! 

Day 1 - Beginning of Month Two
- Bicep Curls - 3 X 6 - 35 lbs.
- Hammer Curls - 3 X 8 - 30 lbs.
- Bicep Superset Thingy - 2 X 10 (for each exercise) - 15 lbs
- Tricep Extensions - 3 X 10 - 45 lbs.
- Tricep Dips - 3 X 15

Day 1 - Current
 -Bicep Curls - 3 X 6 - 35 lbs.
- Hammer Curls - 3 X 8 - 30 lbs.
- Bicep Superset Thingy - 2 X 10 (for each exercise) - 17.5 lbs
- Tricep Extensions - 3 X 10 - 50 lbs.
- Tricep Dips - 3 X 15 - no weight
- Diamond Push-ups - 3 X 10 - no weight

Notes: Alright, so you can see a slight improvement here.  This is what I did today, so it is the most current.  At one point, I was doing Tricep Kickbacks but it wasn't really doing anything for me, so I started doing Diamond Pushups instead; I like 'em.  At one point, I could do 3 sets of 7 Bicep Curls, and I could do 3 sets of the Bicep Superset, but that week-long hiatus sort of put a damper on that.  I should be able to do 'em soon.  Overall, not a huge improvement, but an improvement nonetheless.

Day 2 - Beginning of Month Two
- Dumbbell Press - 3 X 10 - 30 lbs
- Incline Dumbbell Press - 3 X 10 - 30 lbs.
- Dumbbell Fly - 3 X 10 - 20 lbs.
- Crunches - 3 X 25
- Bicycle Exercise - 3 X 12
- Leg Lifts - 3 X 12

Day 2 - Current
- Dumbbell Press - 3 X 10 - 35 lbs
- Incline Dumbbell Press - 3 X 10 - 35 lbs.
- Dumbbell Fly - 3 X 10 - 20 lbs.
- Crunches - 3 X 25
- Bicycle Exercise - 3 X 15

Notes: I moved up 5 lbs for most of my chest stuff, so that's nice.  Halfway through the month, I decided to stop doing Leg Lifts, because they also feel....weird.  Sometimes, I would get this pain in my thighs when lifting them, like my body was just telling me not to do it.  And even when I could do them, my legs would click when they lowered.  The whole thing just gave me a bad vibe, so I stopped doing the exercise.  I need another ab workout to fill that in though.  Suggestions?

Day 3 - Beginning of Month Two
- Shoulder Shrugs - 3 X 15 - 35 lbs.
- Dumbbell Overhead Press - 3 X 12 - lbs.
- TVOs - 2 X 10 - 7.5 lbs.
- Ref Calls - 2 X 10 of each section - 7.5 lbs.
- One-Armed Rows - 3 X 15 (each arm) - 15 lbs.
- Dumbbell Lying Rows - 3 X 15 - 15 lbs.

Day 3 - Current
- Shoulder Shrugs - 3 X 10 - 45 lbs.
- Dumbbell Overhead Press - 3 X 10 - 25 lbs.
- TVOs - 3 X 8 - 10 lbs.
- Ref Calls - 3 X 10 of each exercise - 10 lbs.
- One-Armed Rows - 3 X 15 (each arm) - 25 lbs.
- Dumbbell Lying Rows - 3 X 15 - 25 lbs.
- Pull-Up Negatives - As many sets as possible (up to 10) X 8 (I can do 5 as of right now) - no weight

Notes: Looks like I've seen the most improvement here.  It's not quite as much as it looks like - I amped up the weight for the two rows pretty early on in the month - but it's still quite good.  Note the extra TVO and Ref Call sets.  I haven't been able to try the pull-up negatives along with the other back stuff in the same day yet, so I've gotta do that.  I've flirted with the idea of switching the order of workouts a bit, making Day 2 Back and Shoulders and Day 3 Chest and Abs, so that I can use my rest day as "pull-up day" instead.  Thoughts?  Help me out!

Soooo, that's it!  If you've got any suggestions for me, please comment!  Any and all advice will be much appreciated!


P.S: in regards to Cardio.....well, I've basically stopped doing it.  My bike ride to and from work's got me covered, for the most part.  I do it when I can, but it's not too often.

P.P.S: according to my scale, I'm anywhere from 182.5 to 186.5 lbs.  So I haven't really lost any weight, but I'm working on it.  My girlfriend and my mom both think I've gotten thinner, so that's gotta count for something......right?


1 comment:

  1. when i was working out, my weight actually went up. then, when i stopped for about a week, my weight dropped about 3 pounds (went back up 2 though over the last month--i still look slimmer even now, but i think the muscle is growing even though i haven't really worked out much).
    Also, when i stopped, i drastically lost weight off my midsection. so don't feel like you haven't gotten anywhere if your weight hasn't gone down. it definitely has (from a fat perspective). it's IMPOSSIBLE that your body is not comprised of more muscle than fat than it was before.

    give your body a bit of a break. i know you haven't had a consistent work out this month, but i think you should maybe work out a few days less over the next week or week and a half. i've noticed, for me at least, that the pressure i put on myself to work out doesn't help my weight drop.
