Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 86: Plateau

Couple things today.

First off, I'm going to be missing my next monthly result update because I'm going to be out of town at the Nateva Music Festival (check Stuff That I Like for a full report when I return).

Secondly, I do believe I'm starting to plateau.  This means that my body is getting too used to my workout routine, so it's not really improving.  Normally, this would mean I should move up my weight, but the dilemma with plateauing is that because you're not really getting stronger, you can't move up in weight without a degree of difficulty.  Still, it seems like that's the only way to get out of this rut.  Any tips?

Lastly, how do you increase the intensity of your workout for things that only use body weight (crunches, tricep dips, etc.)?  Do you just increase the reps?  That's what I've been doing, but it doesn't seem to be helping all that much. 

Alrighty, that's all for now.  Probably won't update for another week or so.  See you then!


1 comment:

  1. yeah, when u first start working out you'll see a lotta results but it does plateau. u just have to keep working steady and increase the weights when you feel necessary. also, if you wanna get strong and pack on muscle fast. you gotta start incorporating lower body workouts and multi joint exercises. like bench press, military press, squats, lunges, deadlifts,pull ups. that means you can't just do isolation exercises and expect to get big like just doing ur arms or just doing your shoulders. you wanna stress your body to the max by working out big muscle parts like your chest, back and especially your legs. btw, working out ur legs has a lot of benefits, it boosts natural testosterone and it helps you get a bigger upper body as well.

    check this link, it's pretty useful. i guess the downside is for a lot of these exercises you need to go to the gym

