Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 39: So about that.....

Some of you may have noticed that I didn't do a double post yesterday as I promised I would.  Funny story behind that; I was all ready to start working out before visiting a friend of mine who recently got his wisdom teeth out, and - WHOOPS - I fucking fell asleep!  What the hell!?  A full-time job will really suck the energy out of you, let me tell ya.

Aannnyyyyways, workout today was good.  I didn't have time to do cardio (too much show preparation), but Biceps and Triceps were good.  I didn't feel like doing Kickbacks, so I did a few sets of diamond push-ups.  Need to start doing those more.

Well, at least now that I don't have any shows coming up (JOKES!  June 3rd everybody!), I'll actually have time to work out properly.  Except that work is starting to get busy, so I'll probably have to go in every day this week.....and that I need to replace the heads on all my drums......and that my band is going to be beginning to record an EP next weekend.....Goddammit.

Now I must go; Super Street Fighter beckons.  Update tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Whoah! Wasn't I that friend who had his wisdom teeth out, and has been in constant pain for days? Thought so.

    A suggestion- why not link us to your awesome band myspace whenever you decide to mention it? Plugging is awesome.
